Saturday 23 March 2013

Filming Day Three - Saturday 2nd March

On Saturday the 2nd March we completed filming at Sam’s house, on this date Sam had located the key and we were able to use the Cabin for our final shots. Before we started filming we decided to look at our clips after watching the opening shots we realised that the quality wasn’t as good as we thought and realised that Aimie’s hair was down on that day where on the 2nd it was up, with these problems our group came to a conclusion that we shot re-film the opening shots to get a better quality of film and that nothing would of changed for example hair, make-up clothing etc.  On this day each one of us filmed as at some point each individual member had to be doing something other than filming from making a noise in the background to being a main part.

Saturday the 2nd March went better than the 20th of February this is because we all knew what we were doing and knew what needed to be added to make the story link; this meant that shots needed to be added to our original idea to make this opening sequence successful.  An example of a shot that needed to be added would be the shot when Aimie is at the gravestone crying for her sister and suddenly a hand appears on her shoulder almost as someone is comforting her (close up of hand) Aimie then reacts to this by turning around and there not being anyone this gives the audience the impression of a ghost which makes the opening sequence more like a mystery.
Once the scenes were made from the gravestone to Aimie following her sister’s ghost we arrived at the scenes of the cabin. At this point it was incredibly dark so we had to use the ‘night mode’ on the camera to be able to see Aimie enter the cabin as she sees her sister’s ghost enter. As the cabin was dark Aimie needed a light to be able to see where she was going, this also gave a sense of mystery to the film. As my phone was the only phone that had a decent light quality Aimie used that this allowed her to walk toward the mirror whilst looking around the cabin to try and see her sister what she doesn’t realise until she looks in the mirror that Lisa is behind her, this makes Aimie jump and drop the phone as sees her dead sister in the reflection. This shot is the final shot of the opening sequence, as a group we thought this would keep the audience on their edge of their seats and wanting to watch more.

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