Saturday 23 March 2013

Filming Day One - Monday 18th March

On the 18th of February we began to film at Capstone Park. We all decided to meet at the bench at 4pm, this time was set so the lighting would be perfect for the flashback clips so it would be not too light but not too dark either. On this day we only had a limited amount of time due to people needing to get home, however in this limited space of time we got the a lot of the flashback filming done. At this point all we needed to complete was Lisa getting dragged and then to be finally killed at the lake. As the shots where not completed on the 18th we arranged another date to go to Capstone Park and complete the recordings this date was Wednesday the 20th.
On Monday 18th February we located an area that would be perfect for Lisa to get kidnapped in a wooded area. As a group we tried to stick to the storyboard plan however one of our friends Kieran came along and we decided to make the filming better in our opinion by adding him as another villain with Sam. Kieran was became the ‘Leader’ the one who made the rules and told Sam what to do. The idea was that Kieran would call Sam (Close up shot) and tell him that Lisa was walking up the wooded area and state ‘don’t mess it up this time’ this statement was used to make the audience realise that it is just a frequent activity that these two villains carry out.

To make the scenes flow we added more props for example our phones. Lisa uses her phone as she is walking up the wooded area whilst Sam and Kieran are using their phones to communicate to each other that Lisa is approaching Sam. Another prop is used which is that Sam was wearing a scarf around this mouth and nose to hide his identity from the victim Lisa.

In the scene where Lisa is being chased up the wooded area we decided to use a variety of shots we ended up filming one side view, long shot and point of view shot (POV) to get a more of a fill of the attack. Out of all these shots the Point of View shot is most affective as in it the audience would be able to put themselves in Lisa’s shoes and hear the quickness of her breath as she is being followed when she realises that two people are chasing her and the sense of panic and danger occur.
Aimie and I were mostly filming on Monday 18th March as Lisa and Sam were the main actors and actresses on that day. Each decision that was made or an idea that was changed we discussed as a group and came to a verdict before we carried out with the idea.

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