Saturday 23 March 2013

Filming Day Four - Sunday 3rd March

Sunday 3rd March was our last day of filming. On this day we agreed to meet at the same place and time for lighting once again. Once we all arrived at 4pm we went back to the wooded area were we filmed. That day we decided to make more changes than any other to our storyboard because there were some shots better than others and we were able to create them. One of the shots that we decided to change was the shot of Sam carrying Lisa to the lake, I decided to sit on the floor and look up this allowed the camera to get a view of Lisa hair swinging and Kieran looking suspicious as Sam was walking off.

An idea that came to my mind that day was that Lisa was originally on her phone when she was walking up this wooded area so why not drop it by accident (once she is dead) and Kieran ‘Leader’ can pick it up and throw it into the lake once the body is left. This idea lead to a brilliant close up of Kieran looking at the phone once he arrived at the lake and smiled at it as she was proud and glad that she died and throw the phone into the lake to make sure there was no evidence of them being there. However you couldn’t throw a phone into a lake so we looked for a rock around the same size as the phone which Kieran would be allowed to throw; this was another prop that was used.
On that day Aimie and I were many only cameras and directed most of the scenes due to the other needing to be in scenes however Lisa and Sam did get to shot some scenes on the last day.  From the 3rd of March we have all been editing the film so it would be completed by the 27th March, 2013.

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