Saturday 23 March 2013

Editing; Day Five and Six

This current week Aimie has been ill and was unable to attend school. As a group we decided to still keep Aimie in all group decisions and inform her on the latest problems we are facing, we were able to do this by getting permission from our teachers to call her when needed her input. An example of us calling Aimie up was when Lisa and I thought of putting ‘A Year Ago…’ instead of two dates ‘12 February, 2012’ and the ‘12 February 2013’ as in our opinion it looked better and made it look more like a flashback, Sam didn’t agree he thought that the dates looked better so we decided to call Aimie to get a final decision and she agreed with Lisa and myself so we needed up changing the dates to just ‘One Year Ago..’

This week we were able to use a new editing programme instead of ‘Corel’ and this is called ‘Adobe Premiere Pro’. This new programme more professional than the last.  Once Lisa, Sam and I knew what we were doing we started re-editing our film. To make sure we were on the right path we continued to look back at our previous work on Corel to see if we want exactly that shot and if there was a better shot we might have missed. In the limited time we have had this week we have nearly completed a rough copy of the editing, we still have to continuing cropping a little and names have to be added but we are starting to see what our final piece will look like.

Due to the problems of the programming we are getting an extension on our editing this will involve Lisa, Sam, Aimie and I coming back to school in our Easter holidays to be able to complete this editing task before we start our evaluation next term.

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