Saturday 23 March 2013

Editing; Day Four

We still have not found a way of getting rid of the date and time at the bottom on our film so the most likely conclusion will be that we will have to restart the editing process on a new programme. This could become a big problem for my group as it took a long time to just cut the shots and put them into order and we still have music and effects to add in to it too. This means, if we have to restart everything we will have to come back after school to complete it otherwise we will not have enough time to complete our film. However, all members are willing to use our own time to complete this task so hopefully we will be able to have everything sorted out and finished by the deadline.

The video above shows how far we got editing on the Corel software and how the date does affect our film in a professional manner, it also affected the emotion we wanted the audience to get out of the film.  This shows that to get a better result we need to use the new program.

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