Wednesday 9 January 2013


The opening of our film begins in a graveyard. A young girl has recently lost her sister after a tragic incident, and so, has gone to visit her grave. The cause of her death was drowning, but how she drowned, that was the mystery. The police believed it was suicide, but she intuitively knew that someone had done this to her sister, someone had murdered her, her sister had no reason to commit sucide. (Flashback - her sister running away from a stranger shouting at her). The only evidence she had of this was a strong feeling, she knew her sister would not commit sucide, and she knew this. However, feeling slowing drove her insane. While visiting the grave she thought she saw a figure run past her and into the woods. She thought she saw her sister. So, she followed it. She lost track of the figure she believed was her sister, until she saw a cabin in the distance of which the figure walking into. She ran hastily towards this cabin. (Flashback - Her sister stumbles on a bridge over a lake, the man grabs her shouting at her and pushes her into the lake). Once in the cabin she looks around, she looks to her side to see a mirror only to see her dead sisters reflection behind her. She rapidly turns round to find no one there, just an empty room. Shaken up, she runs home. She spends days, weeks, months, looking for evidnece that her sisters death was a murder, so much so, that it makes her deranged! Her mother becomes extremely worried, and so sends her away to get help, but she was determine not give up, she would find her sisters killer.

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