Tuesday 8 January 2013

Suitable for Children - Age Rating

The first age rating is a 'U' this rating means suitable for all ages. This shows that there would not be any unsuitable images or the use of strong language in the film. There might be words that are used for example ‘bloody’ but put in a different context so it wouldn’t be picked up by the children in any way. The hardest thing about making ‘U’ rated films is that each individual child gets upset at different things, so it is hard to say what could upset a group of children. ‘U’ is created so children aged 4 and over can enjoy the cinema as much as another. In come ‘U’ rated films there is come violence, threats or a bit of horror but it is usually over in a couple of minutes and the film  reassures them that everything is okay. The aim for all ‘U’ rated films is to teach children the difference between right and wrong.

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