Tuesday 8 January 2013

12 and 12a - Age Rating

12 and 12A fall under the same category the only difference is if a scene is able to disturb or upset a children under the age of 12 this could mean a violent scene or bad language being used this is when it’s advised for an adult to be present. The category 12 is mainly there so children are able to rent/buy a movie if they are 12 or over, if a child is under the age of 12 they will not be able to rent/buy a film that is rated a 12 without a parent present to buy it for them.

12A only exists at the cinema; you never see a 12A on a movie case now do you? This category was invented just for the cinema so children who are under the age of 12 are allowed to watch the movie but must be companied by an adult, however the movie may not be recommended to people under 12 it it’s the parent’s choice of taking you to watch that particular film this is due the content of violence and detailed put across the weapons etc. or anti-social behaviour for example if someone is getting bullied for race, age (discrimination). At the age of 12 the children watching are likely to pick up the use of language or pick up what happens in the film and think its ok for example self-harming this may be cut of the film and used in another film that is higher rated 15 for example, this means two versions of the film are being realised. This only becomes a problem when the film comes out on DVD as the scenes that were cut out in the cinema won’t be on the DVD.

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