Saturday 27 April 2013

Editing Day Ten - 17th April

On the 17th of April we had a double lesson however Aimie and I decided to go to Media during our study period this gave us more time to edit as an individual and meant that Aimie had more time to learn how to use the software. Within this study period Aimie and I noticed some major problems with the film that Kieran goes from helping Sam then jumps to standing behind Sam, we hadn’t realised this problem before but we had no time to go and re-film so we have to leave this jump in our opening sequence. Another problem was that Sam lays Lisa at the lack and then all of a sudden she is turned over, this problem was easily sorted out due to Aimie and I looking back at the unedited shots and finding that shot that shows Lisa being turned over, this shot is now in the opening sequence and we have found that it makes the film flow more.

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