Saturday 27 April 2013

Editing Day Eight - 8th April

On the 8th of April we went back to school to get hopefully complete the editing. We were in school for 2 and a half hours. In this time we managed to add more titles and were continuing to put shots in order. This was not straight forward as through this short period of time we faced some problems, one of them being shots were missing so the storyline didn’t make sense so we had to find the shot we were looking for and re-add it. The next problem was that the program kept on shutting down, this meant that all the work we had done would disappear and wouldn’t save, this was a problem as we kept having to do the same shots and editing over and over again due to the program not saving our work. We managed to solve this problem by every little crop, add scenes, title we would have to immediately save it, this way if it did shut down we wouldn’t have to start all over again.

On this date we finally decided the name of our film we went with ‘The Cabin’, this is due to the Cabin being the main feature of our film, however if we think of a better name in the next couple of days we can always change it.  With this extended deadline as a group we were confident that we would be able to complete the opening sequence, this meant Sam had to start his music as soon as the titles were added.

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