Tuesday 18 December 2012

Initial Ideas

Our storyline is based on a young girl with a huge misunderstanding of life and death. The girls depression and misleading tails, direct her only to a safe and secure environment of the mental home.

The opening of our film is set in a graveyard, set with eerie music and a dark atmosphere. Flashbacks cut into the scene, of two twin sisters happily playing and laughing. The scene of the graveyard jumps back and forth, with the non-diegetic music, increasing as the camera approaches. At first the audience only see a grave stuck in the ground among the leaves until the camera slowly pans and angles around to show the characters face, which only then the audience will notice that the character is one of the two girls in the flashbacks. When the young girl turns to walk away, she stumbles across a familiar face, which disappears into a bundle of shadowy trees. The young miss stalks the mystery ghostly like figure and staggers across to find an old cabin with the open door swinging back and front. As the spooked girl walks into the cabin and examining its unknown contents, she catches her reflection in the mirror with an obscure character stood directly behind her.

The young girl quickly gasps and the scene blacks out. She later wakes up in a white bed, with strange plugs and a heart monitor strapped around her finger.

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