Thursday 29 November 2012

A Commentary of my Preliminary Task

In my Preliminary Task that was taken in October 2012, we was given a task to see what our basic knowledge is on  different camerawork skills and how we can put our ideas into a short clip. As a group we had to demonstrate different types of shots one of them being 180 degree rule, another is match-on-action.

In my group I was working with Aimie Fisher (Actress) and Scott Warner (Actor) we created a basic idea of money borrowing and how some situations don’t always work out the way we want them to. In this short clip we were able to perform the shots that was necessary (180 degree rule, match-on-action, long short, over the shoulder, close up)The short clip went well as Aimie and Scott showed their emotions on this clip which gives the audience an understanding that Aimie does not have any money to give back to Scott and is not leaving without a fight, on the other hand Scott shows that he won’t be taken as a fool and is consistent with asking that one question ' Where's my money ?'.

The short clip worked however there are something’s I would change if given the opportunity again one of them being the long shot of Scott walking down the corridor due to the shot not being straight and seems that Scott is falling off the edge. Another thing I would change is the speed of the short film everything happens extremely fast and everything is over in a short couple of seconds.

1 comment:

  1. I would certainly agree that the corridor shot was badly framed. I don't think that you ever got the match on action of Scott opening the door quite right although when he comes through the door into the little room it is much better.

    I think the cutting on the shot reverse shot is too tied to the dialogue. It ahs a jumpy feel. You can cut halfway through lines so that we hear a voice but see the listener.

    Well done!
