Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Our Final Product

Candidate Information

Name: Lauren West
Candidate Number: 7654
Centre Number: 61219

Evaulation Question Seven; Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

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Aimie and I worked together in our Preliminary Task; this meant that we wanted to answer this question together as we both agreed on what we have learnt from our Preliminary Task to our final product. We decided to answer this question on PowerPoint, in this PowerPoint we selected a range of different camera angles and shots that we used which can be improved, the mistakes that we picked out on our Preliminary Task we haven’t made those mistakes in our actual final product. If there was an error we would use some editing affects to allow the shots to flow.

Evaulation Question Six;What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

To answer question six, Aimie and I decided to use the same approach as question 5 so we ended up doing a video recording, this recording was more like an interview than the last as Aimie wrote a list of questions that she was going to ask me. This video defiantly was my personal view on the different types of technologies that we have used.

Evaulation Question Five; How did you attract/address your audience?

 To answer question 5, I decided to do a video recording like an interview. In this video Aimie is asking me questions that allow me to answer the question and give my opinion to what I thought the progress and how as a group we tried to attract our target audience (15-30 years).

Evaulation Question Four; Who would be the audience for your media product?

To answer question 4, Aimie and I did a voice recording once again. This recording allows the views to see that our opening sequence is targeted at 15-30 year olds both genders. This makes our opening to have a wide range of different audience types.

Evaulation Question Three; What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?


Question 3 was answered by Aimie and I did a voice recording. In this question we decided to talk about where our film may go if it was sold by an  company or if it was sold by an independent company.

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Evaluation Question Two; How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Aimie and I worked together on all our evaluation questions, this meant that we were able to do a verity of different videos, PowerPoint and voice recordings. In this PowerPoint there are images showing us when we were filming and images of other films that are well known Thrillers.

Evaluation Question One; In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

To answer this question the whole group contributed to making this 10 minute movie. What happened was we were all given different tasks to talk about for example Sam had to write about the music. I had to write about the different camera shots and how that shot can comes across to the audience. Everyone contributed equally and we had a deadline to give our information to Lisa as she was the one who made this movie.

Saturday, 4 May 2013

What I thought about creating our opening sequence

When we began correcting our opening sequence I thought it would be very much what it was in GCSE, this was that we would use the same program which meant that we all had experience and could potentially make our opening sequence look extraordinary, with this thought I didn’t see any complication of creating our film. However, I was so wrong in every sense, planning and creating our thriller film was incredible it pulled our whole group together this was shown when each individual idea fell into what is now our final product. The complications started to show when we began editing, this was because even though everyone’s ideas were put in to make the films, everyone had a different opinion on editing, an example of this was when Sam didn’t want a certain date added to the bottom of the screen and Lisa, Aimie and I did. This meant that we would have to agree to disagree on whether the date should be added or kept however we all decided to add ‘One year later...’ as it was something we could agree on.

When we found out that we had to use a new program you could tell there was tension in the group as on the Corel program the editing was nearly completed, well so we thought at the time.  Each person in the group was always able to spend extra time on this project whether it was in a study period or after school, each one of us equally contributed to trying to make this film what it is now. Whilst watching our opening sequence expand, I began to notice problems which I shared for example at the end of the chase scene when Sam is putting Lisa on his shoulder there is a shot where Kieran is in front but all of a sudden Kieran is behind him, I was concerned that this would loss our group marks and that it doesn’t link properly, luckily Lisa found the ‘drip to black’ effect which allowed the scenes to flow and doesn’t look as Kieran jumps from one area to the next.
Though-out the experience of planning, making and editing our product there was only disagreement within the group and that was between Sam and me. This disagreement came to light when our final deadline came about and our film was nearly completed but the music still want done, at the time I didn’t understand why the music had to be done at the last minute and I thought why isn’t it ready yet we got a couple of days left we need that music. After this Sam did create and complete the music but it was only when I watch the sequence with the music added that I understood why Sam had to wait until we completed editing. When I realised this Sam and I agreed that maybe we shouldn’t of had a disagreement over something so small but so important to the completion of our film but though that I got experience of even though there are deadlines and that means everything must be in and completed, some things like music we will just have to wait for as they can’t be rushed and need to create the right mood for the scene they’re in.

All in all I have learnt many different things thought the journey of this final product but next time I will know that it isn’t going to be as easy as I original think and maybe everything isn’t going to be as perfect as I or anyone else wants them to be, we just need to use the resources that we have and make an opening to a film everything we hope it to be just knowing there will be issues and errors on the way just have to take them as they come.

Editing Day Fifteen - 1st May

On the 1st of May all of our group joined together to watch the final draft of our opening sequence, we saw the effects Lisa and Sam were able to find and noticed that the film had got better since they shortened it.  In this lesson we discussed how we could improve our titles as they were the issue that was concerning everyone, due to everyone thought they were boring as they had no animation to them. We were able to change this issue slightly by adding the dip to black effect.  As we needed our opening sequence to look professional we decided to add the ‘20th Century Fox’ as another production company for our film, this company was chosen as we know that 20th Century Fox has released thriller films like ours and they have come successful.

Friday, 3 May 2013

Editing Day Fourteen - 26th April

On the 26th of April, everything that needed to be edited and changed on our film was done, we finally completed our film! Lisa and Sam went back after school to get the video on a memory card so they could upload it to their blogs, when they were doing this they hit a dilemma as the film was over 5 minutes long and they were told it’s meant to be roughly 2-3 minutes. Sam and Lisa stayed extra hours in ensure the film was shortened by didn’t lose those important shots that were needed. To make the film shorter Sam and Lisa cut down some of our shots, looking back the shots were incredibly long but now they are shortened they look better and it makes the film link a lot more.

Whilst Sam and Lisa were behind, Lisa found an effect that would make the ghost figure look more realistic within the film. In the film Lisa is standing near the Cabin and you watch Aimie run down the steps after her, now Lisa has put the effect in you see Lisa and all of a sudden she disappears, this gives our opening sequence a more lifelike feel.