Wednesday 8 May 2013

Our Final Product

Candidate Information

Name: Lauren West
Candidate Number: 7654
Centre Number: 61219

Evaulation Question Seven; Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

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Aimie and I worked together in our Preliminary Task; this meant that we wanted to answer this question together as we both agreed on what we have learnt from our Preliminary Task to our final product. We decided to answer this question on PowerPoint, in this PowerPoint we selected a range of different camera angles and shots that we used which can be improved, the mistakes that we picked out on our Preliminary Task we haven’t made those mistakes in our actual final product. If there was an error we would use some editing affects to allow the shots to flow.

Evaulation Question Six;What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

To answer question six, Aimie and I decided to use the same approach as question 5 so we ended up doing a video recording, this recording was more like an interview than the last as Aimie wrote a list of questions that she was going to ask me. This video defiantly was my personal view on the different types of technologies that we have used.

Evaulation Question Five; How did you attract/address your audience?

 To answer question 5, I decided to do a video recording like an interview. In this video Aimie is asking me questions that allow me to answer the question and give my opinion to what I thought the progress and how as a group we tried to attract our target audience (15-30 years).

Evaulation Question Four; Who would be the audience for your media product?

To answer question 4, Aimie and I did a voice recording once again. This recording allows the views to see that our opening sequence is targeted at 15-30 year olds both genders. This makes our opening to have a wide range of different audience types.

Evaulation Question Three; What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?


Question 3 was answered by Aimie and I did a voice recording. In this question we decided to talk about where our film may go if it was sold by an  company or if it was sold by an independent company.